Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sandcastles & Lil' Hands

The past weekend had been pretty eventful so that's why I'm trying to quickly post these before I forget what happened.

Sad to say but even though we live so near East Coast, last Sunday (18 Nov 2007) was the first time we brought Livi to the beach and boy, was it a new experience for her!
We prepared a simple breakfast picnic and found a spot where we could also build sandcastles after breakfast. But the first time we placed her on the sand, she simply froze and didn't quite know how to react to a "shifting floor/ground" - like sand! It was only when we assured her it's ok and brought her to walk around a little barefooted that she calmed down.
The next surprise came when we got her to play with the sand. Looking at her sandy hands and fingers, she insisted on washing her hands, saying "Dirty! Dirty!". Again, it was only after much assurance that she started to mutter to herself "It's ok, it's ok" and picked up with her little watering can (still with some apprehension).

Getting Livi to dip her feet into the water (with me carrying her under the arms) proved "the last straw" and we had to quickly bring her ashore to stop her from going hysterical.
Thinking back, I'm just wondering -- have I conditioned her to be such a clean/clinical kid that she'll not participate in such activities anymore in future? At this point, I don't think so coz she reacted the same way to crayons the first time she used them ("Dirty! I want to wash my hands!"). But since then, she's gotten over green/blue/red-stained fingers and seem to be enjoying herself. My take? I feel it's better to instil in them a value for hygiene and being neat and then permit some leeway, than not to have taught these basic values. The verdict's still out of course but well, that's what I hope for anyway.

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Sis found this play staged specially for kids and we decided to bring Livi and Kang. I had been looking forward to it all week and was kindda psyching Livi up for it too (not sure how much she understood that though...).

The play was very entertaining and Sis and I were pleasantly surprised at how attentive the 2 kids were throughout the play! To say the least, they were dumbfounded and awestruck. To me, the song and dance segments were the most entertaining and hilarious, and the props pretty ingenious.

Whilst we encountered some parents (1 pair) who behaved rather ungraciously, the overall experience was enjoyable and it was a pleasant outing with just Sis and Kang.

I can't really tell if Livi enjoyed herself but I tried to ask her questions about it after that and I think she understood a little of it. Guess it's not so much about how much she comprehends at this stage, but really to expose her to different experiences. Would certainly love to bring her to more of such activities in future!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Snip Snip Snip

For 21 months, this mommy had never given her babe a haircut till yesterday when I finally played hairdresser to Livi.

I wasn't planning to do anything too sophisticated. Sorry but no. It was just gonna be a straight-across fringe which I can pass off as the latest lil' girl style, inspired by the Japanese bob do.

I thought I was pretty ingenious to get a big IKEA plastic bag and snipped 3 holes on it for her head and 2 arms. But she protested and refused to be "bubble wrapped". Ok, guess I'll just make do...

Then when I finally got down to cutting her fringe, she started to squirm and refused to let me continue -- after I've snipped off half the fringe. So just imagine a staggered fringe now with the right side shorter than the left. Thank God I managed to convince her to also comb and cut Winnie the Pooh's hair before I quickly snipped the rest of the fringe for a (rather) even cut.

So did I do well? Hmmm, I think I did ok for a first-timer. Livi's still got a few compliments on being cute and sweet after the haircut so if anything, I think I've maintained if not improved her sweet quotient : )

Penang (8-11 Nov 2007)

We had been looking forward to this trip for a long time, especially since it was going to be Livi's first plane ride. It was also a dry-run (sort of) before the gruelling 10-hr flight to NZ. We were in Penang to attend cousin Ze Yen's wedding.

Livi survived the plane rides very well, either drinking from her bottle (en route to Penang) or sleeping (return) so I'd say she fared well in the dry-run.

Although we didn't quite explore beyond our hotel (Vistana), 5th Aunty's house and a few kopitiams, we had an enjoyable time, catching up with cousins, aunties and uncles, and of coures, keeping ourselves up-to-date on the new additions (little nephews & nieces).

Dad was really fascinated with the food there, especially the Penang Laksa and Cha Kway Teow. Guess I'm not surprise coz afterall, Penang is renowned for its street food. Gurney Drive fare was so-so -- probaby good enough for tourists or the uninitiated (maybe the Westerner's taste palette?) but not us Singaporeans. In the end, it was a nondescript kopitiam near 7th Aunty's house that got Dad. After that, we went there 2 days straight and probably ate more laksa and cha kway teow than we should for 3 months. The wedding dinner itself was quite entertaining with singers belting out Mandarin pop tunes.

Livi was quite the darling there with everyone singing praises of how pretty she looked, and trying to coax her into calling them, waving hi-five, saying goodbye etc. She was most well-behaved whenever we were out (quiet like a mouse) but once we return to the hotel, she turned into a monkey. Still most disturbingly, I notice the first signs of TT - how she simply laid down on her tummy and refused to get up if she doesn't get her way. I'm bracing myself for more tantrums to come...

Unfortunately, we don't have any photos to show for all of these coz we most carelessly lost the camera. Till now, we can't be sure where we left/lost it. But whilst the images are gone, the memories will prevail (hopefully). But just in case my memory fails too, here's the blog as backup. Think I'll also ask Ze Yen if his photographer's got any pixs of us...