Saturday, November 21, 2009

God & Jesus are everywhere... literally!


This happened some time in July but I forgot to note it till now. We were having cod fish for lunch and BP reminded Livi to be careful of bones, coz should it get into her system, the bone may travel to her heart and cause her to die. It was quite a duh story but our lil one was totally taken in. As she continued to munch, she suddenly said, 'But Jesus will push and push it out right?' We weren't sure what she was saying but on probing further, finally understood.

Mom must have been telling her that Jesus is in her heart. And coz of that, she thinks that should a foreign object like a fish bone get into her heart, surely Jesus who lives there will help to get rid of the object, right?


Livi was doing her Shichida worksheets when she started singing some children hymns and asked me where God is. I told her God's everywhere. And that's when she asked if He's in the lamp, our laptops, on our heads, inside Daddy's ears, and also in her box of colour pencils. When I answered yes, she promptly called out to her colour pencils, 'Hi God, are you there??'

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I was reading Livi a Chinese book and the picture showed a lion falling onto a rock and disloding the bad tooth that's been giving him a toothache. The picture showed the 'kapow!' kind of graphic where the lion hit the rock, to illustrate the impact of the fall and probably, the sound too.

After asking all the usual questions about like why does the lion's tooth hurt; why did he fall; did he not see the rock etc, she asked what the 'kapow' graphic was?

It's funny how we adults don't give much attention to things like this anymore. So I explained that this is to show that the lion must had fallen very hard and made a very loud sound.

"But mommy, where is it? How come we cannot see this when we fall?" It's interesting how they think right? So I went on to explain that in reality, we cannot actually 'see sound'. But this is cartoon so that's why they illustrate this for children.

After that, we experimented by saying different things, sometimes loudly and sometimes softly, to see whether we see any such graphics. Well, we didn't of coz but what a fun conversation that was with my lil darling!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Livi and her concept of God


This happened a week ago.

As usual, I was giving Livi a bath in the morning and getting her ready for school when she suddenly asked me, "Mommy, why do cows eat grass?"

I replied it was coz God made them do so, thinking that'll answer her question. That was when she surprised me by saying, "But cows say moo moo... how does God talk to them? Does he say 'moo moo' too?"

I thought that was really cute and although I kindda know how to answer that, I decided to ask her to pose the question to her Sunday School teacher instead.

Hmmm... on hindsight, maybe God and cows use Mooooose Code!


We had just left Polliwogs where Ryan had his 7th birthday party. Livi was holding a balloon in the open air walkway and we were telling her to be careful not to lose grip over the balloon string.

That was when she said, in her usual child-like manner, "Then what will happen? Maybe God will say 'Oh, Olivia has a surprise for me!'"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Plant Talk

As part of last week's Shichida, Livi was given 2 green beans and a cotton pad and told to grow the plant at home over the course of the week.

Today, 3 days later, we finally spotted some little white shoots coming out of the beans.

To give it more sunshine, I decided to take the plant out of our house and leave it in the planter box along the common corridor instead.

As a parting cry to her first plant, Livi went, "Goodbye little plant! Enjoy your treat!" as if she really understood how sunshine is a real treat to plants!

That's my adorable little one!

Big Words Rule

It's been a looong time since I updated the Blog... about 10 mths in fact!

But I was really amazed (again) last week by what Livi said that I knew I had to pen this note.

Mom had made fresh orange juice for Kang and Livi. As she happily sipped her juice, she suddenly looked up from her glass, looked at mom and smilingly, said "Popo, thank you for your hospitality".

Mom was stumped!! Here we have a 3 yr old tod sprouting big words like this, and using them correctly - it was just amazing!

Background: BP and I had been speaking in the car a few days before that, saying how we should really return the hospitality our Malaysian cousins accord us when they visit us in SG. It was then that Livi asked what hospitality meant and I explained it's to do with people being nice and caring towards us, like taking care of our needs when we visit. And there she was, absorbing all this like a sponge and using the word Hospitality correctly a few days later.

My babe's just amazing!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Weekend That Was

We had a great break over the extended weekend, celebrating Children's Day (Oct 1), starting Livi at Pats Schoolhouse on Oct 2 and basically for me, just spending time with her and catching up on some much-needed rest.

The 5-day break (Oct 1-5) saw us hanging out at Esplanade where we caught several short children's plays - all part of their Children's Day Prog; having a riot of a time with a new caterpillar-shaped float in the pool; having Isaac & Keira over; visiting Liuxiang & her new boy Ian; checking out new restaurants (My Space @ Humble House and Lao Beijing) and even checking out condos (Concourse Skyline which Bro/Lisa bought a unit - happy for them!).

One of the most interesting discoveries this weekend was how Livi's doodles of people are starting to take form! Like eg. the people now actually have a discernible head, 2 huge eyes, a long line for body, shorter lines for arms & legs, and hair! We thot this is great coz afterall, she's all but only 2.5+ yrs.

Her language skills of course continue to amaze us - even her teachers at Pats. Eg. she said a few times "phew, that was close". And her comprehension and inferencing abilities are getting quite sharp too. In fact, about 1 month back, she surprised me by saying "Mommy, I tell you the sequence, first we go Shichida then we go church..." amazing isn't it?

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Trembling Jelly!

Livi and I made jelly today. It was uneventful but fun as I got her involved in the entire process - from trying to cut the packet of jelly crystals to pouring the crystals out, adding water and stirring till everything's mixed in. I also showed her where the jelly's chilling in the fridge. When I later asked her what colour it was - she told me it's Red and said it's likely to be Strawberry coz "when it's red, it means strawberry". Hah!

Can't wait to taste our first joint "culinary creation" tomorrow!